
Small Tip: AWS tools are case sensitive, AWS Web Interface is not

2014/06/02 AWS, DevOps, Small Tip No comments , , , , , , ,

In a recent investigation, we found an interesting difference between AWS command line tools (based on Boto library) and AWS Web interface. Apparently, command line tools are case sensitive while AWS Web interface is not. This can potentially lead to automated scaling issues. Tooling may not get ‘the full picture’ if tags are mixed-case and software does not account for that.

Lets start with simple example …

We have the following EC2 instances in AWS Account:
Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 10.03.04 AM

Search for the term ‘TEST-NODE’ yields the same results as searching for ‘test-node’ in the AWS Web interface.

Searching for ‘TEST-NODE':
Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 10.03.27 AM

Searching for ‘test-node':
Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 10.03.49 AM

… it behaves the same way. It is case-insensitive.

However, commend line tools will produce totally different output.

Searching for ‘TEST-NODE':

Searching for ‘test-node':

Python + Boto shows the same behavior (not surprisingly, AWS CLI uses Boto):

Searching for ‘TEST-NODE':

Searching for ‘test-node':


There are multiple possible solutions to this issue. With the cost of few extra cycles one can make sure proper comparison is implemented:


New Beginnings

2014/05/31 Xi Group Ltd. No comments , , , ,

Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Ivo Vachkov and I, with the help of my colleagues, run Xi Group Ltd. We are a small company devoted to high quality Operations / DevOps services with Cloud emphasis.

We build and run applications in the Cloud. And I’d like to share some of the lessons learned and some of the interesting stories from the Ops trenches.

I hope you’ll enjoy the tales to come. Learn from them and avoid our mistakes! Maybe even we’ll work together one day …

Ivo Vachkov
Xi Group Ltd.