In any elastic environment there is a recurring issue: How to quickly spin up new boxes? Over time multiple options emerge. Many environments will rely on a pre-baked machine instances. In Amazon AWS those are called Amazon Machine Instances (AMIs), in Joyent’s SDC – images, but no matter the name they present pre-build, (mostly) pre-configured digital artifact that the underlying cloud layer will bootstrap and execute. They are fast to bootstrap, but limited. Hard to manage different versions, hard to switch virtualization technologies (PV vs. HVM, AWS vs. Joyent, etc), hard to deal with software versioning. Managing elastic environment with pre-baked images is probably the fastest way to start, but probably the most expensive way in the long run.

Another option is to use some sort of configuration management system. Chef, Puppet, Salt, Ansible … a lot of choices. Those are flexible, but depending on the usage scenarios can be slow and may require additional “interventions” to work properly. There are two additional “gotchas” that are not commonly discussed. First, those tools will force some sort in-house configuration/pseudo-programming language and terminology. Second, security is a tricky concept to implement within such system. Managing elastic environments with configuration management systems is definitely possible, but comes with some dependencies and prerequisites you should account for in the design phase.

Third option, AWS UserData / Joyent script, is a reasonable compromise. This is effectively a script that executes one upon virtual machine creation. It allows you to configure the instance, attach/configure storages, install software, etc. There are obvious benefits to that approach:

  • Treat that script like any other coding artifact, use version control, code reviews, etc;
  • It is easily modifiable upon need or request;
  • It can be used with virtually any instance type;
  • It is a single source of truth for the instance configuration;
  • It integrates nicely with the whole Control Plane concept.

Here is a basic template for Ubuntu 14.04 used with reasonable success to cover wide variety of deployment needs:

Trivial. Yet, incorporates a lot in just ~200 lines of code:

  1. Disk layout management;
  2. Package repositories configuration;
  3. Basic tool set and third party software installation;
  4. Service reconfiguration (NTP, Automatic security updates);
  5. System reconfiguration (limits, sysctl, users, directories, crontab);
  6. Post-reboot startup configuration;
  7. Identity discovery and self-tagging;

As added bonus, the cloud-init package will properly log all output during the script execution in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log for failure investigations. Current script uses -ex bash parameters, which means it will explicitly echo all executed commands (-x) and exit at first sign of unsuccessful command execution (-e).

NOTE: There is one important component, purposefully omitted from the template UserData, the log file management. We plan on discussing that in a separate article.


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